hn3er1q 4 hours ago

If anyone is interested in adder taxonomy and why one might select one architecture over another in VLSI I can highly recommend this slide deck.

In particular slides 36 and 37

  • kens 3 hours ago

    I especially like slide 36, the "time cube" diagram of adder architectures.

phendrenad2 2 hours ago

Does anyone else feel sad that you'll never get to design silicon at this kind of low level? I hope that someday nanotech reaches a point where I can design and print 1 u-meter process chips or something.

(I guess I could always buy hundreds of thousands of transistors and start soldering...)

  • Philpax 2 hours ago

    At this level? You can use your favourite HDL and a FPGA, and then look into things like TinyTapeout and such. It's not as inaccessible as it seems!

kens 10 hours ago

Author here if anyone has questions about the obscure details of Kogge-Stone adders :-)

  • kragen 7 hours ago

    Hmm, I thought you explained the FDIV bug was (in part) because the Boron† used carry-save adders to generate quotient digits? I don't see how you'd combine carry-save adders and Kogge–Stone carry lookahead. This post does mention the carry-save adder and link the other post, but doesn't explain the relationship between the two adders (are they the same in some galaxy-brain way I can't imagine? does one of them feed the other?)


    • kens 6 hours ago

      The short answer is that a large carry-save adder feeds into this 8-bit carry-lookahead adder to generate the table index for division. In more detail, the division algorithm uses a ≈64-bit carry-save adder to hold the partial remainder during a division. The problem is that a carry-save adder holds the result in two pieces, the sum bits and the carry bits, which is what makes it fast. However, the division algorithm needs to use the top 7 bits as an index into the infamous division table, but this won't work if the value is in two pieces. The solution is to add the two pieces together using the carry-lookahead adder and then you have the table index.

      The obvious question is why didn't they just use a carry-lookahead adder in the first place? The answer is that a carry-lookahead adder works better for smaller words (e.g. 8 bits), since its size is O(N^2) or O(N log N), depending on how you implement it. So you're better off with a large carry-save adder and a small carry-lookahead adder.

      • kragen 6 hours ago

        I see. I guess I had the impression that the carry and sum bits had been used directly to index the table, which is of course a thing you can do; it's just that 7 bits in the carry-save adder is the equivalent of ≈3 bits.

timewizard 4 hours ago

> In the TMS 1000, the program counter steps through the program pseudo-randomly rather than sequentially. The program is shuffled appropriately in the ROM to counteract the sequence, so the program executes as expected and a few transistors are saved.

Two wrongs make a right.